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Cost reductions without proper insight: How to avoid these pitfalls


Remember when a cup of coffee cost a dollar? Well, those days are long gone. Today, a cup of joe can set you back several bucks, and businesses everywhere are feeling the pinch. Rising input costs, from energy to wages, are forcing companies to take a hard look at their expenses and find ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. But before you start slashing budgets and tightening belts, it's important to understand the pitfalls of cost reduction and how to avoid them. Grab your latte and settle in, because we're about to explore the ins and outs of cost reduction in today's economy.

Cost reduction pitfalls to avoid

Cost reduction is a key focus for many businesses right now, and it’s not hard to see why. Input costs are rising, with energy prices increasing and wage inflation caused by the talent war and cost of living issues. These issues also affect suppliers, which indirectly affects the cost of goods and services. As a result, many businesses are looking for ways to cut costs without compromising on quality or innovation.

While it’s understandable that businesses want to reduce costs, there are some common mistakes that they need to avoid. Gartner has helpfully listed some of these mistakes, which include:

  • blanket cuts
  • failure to make systemic change
  • slowing the organization
  • choking innovation
  • delaying digital investment
  • forcing it all on suppliers
  • introducing harmful risk

Out of all these mistakes, blanket cuts are the most common and can have serious unintended consequences.

Blanket cuts may seem to be the quickest and easiest solution, even equitable and fair. However, they can be demotivating for employees who are already running a tight operation. They can also result in missed opportunities to save costs or improve services, as some employees may be carrying excess capacity that could be better utilized. In addition, blanket cuts can lead to service degradation, which can be much more costly than the savings achieved through cost reduction.

Another mistake that businesses need to avoid is introducing harmful risk. This is especially important in today’s interconnected enterprise, where reducing costs in one area may create or exacerbate risks that threaten the organization in other ways. For example, reducing the number or frequency of controls in critical processes can increase the risk of fraud or other types of financial misconduct.

To avoid these mistakes, businesses need to have proper visibility into how they operate. They need to understand the current reality of their day-to-day processes, rather than relying on outdated manuals or knowledge that is only in employees heads. The most convenient way to provide this level of insight is through end-to-end process models. These models should be kept up to date, be enhanced with metrics, and linked by metadata. With good coverage of the organization’s processes, businesses can quickly pinpoint areas of opportunity and identify more lasting changes, digitization and automation.

With the current state process models in place, businesses can model out any proposed future states, run simulations to clarify the benefits of taking action and explore any unintended consequences. The models will show how upstream and downstream processes will react together, allowing the business to assess the implications for controls, operating models, and enterprise architecture. This allows them to seek consensus and collaborate effectively before committing to change in the real world.

The challenge for businesses is figuring out how to create and maintain an up-to-date process model. Legacy tools and methods are often used, which may not provide the necessary level of insight. It’s important for businesses to invest in the right tools and processes to ensure that they have the proper visibility into their operations. This is where BusinessOptix can help.

BusinessOptix to the rescue

BusinessOptix is a powerful business transformation suite of tools that can help businesses navigate the pitfalls of cost reduction. By providing a detailed and up-to-date view of the organization's processes and operations, BusinessOptix can help companies identify areas of opportunity, prioritize lasting changes, and model the benefits of taking action.

With BusinessOptix, companies can create an end to end model of the business that shows how each process and department fits into the larger picture. By visualizing the flow of work and the dependencies between processes, they can quickly identify areas of redundancy or inefficiency, and make targeted changes that will have the greatest impact on cost reduction. They can also model the benefits of digitization and automation, running scenarios and simulations to explore the potential ROI of these investments before committing to them.

BusinessOptix helps companies avoid many pitfalls of cost reduction, including blanket cuts and harmful risk. By providing a clear view of the organization's processes and operations, companies can make informed decisions about where to cut costs and where to invest for the future. And by collaborating and seeking consensus with stakeholders across the organization, they can ensure that cost-reduction efforts are aligned with the company's overall strategy and vision.

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Source: https://www.gartner.co.uk/en/articles/7-cost-reduction-mistakes-to-avoid