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Automation with intelligence

Automation. Enabled.

Intelligent automation is revolutionizing how businesses operate and changing ways of working for the better. When implemented correctly, it enables organizations to drive productivity, efficiency, cost savings, scale and reliability.


Intelligent Automation combines multiple technologies including Business Process Management (BPM), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

Intelligent Automation can be a force multiplier for business growth. But there are pitfalls. An enabling platform like BusinessOptix will help to identify and prioritize the best opportunities.

It will enable you to monitor, test, and learn before implementation—weeding out any unintended consequences and revealing the performance impact of automation initiatives. 

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Automation with Intelligence

The BusinessOptix platform enables you to test how different processes would operate if automated. The resulting insight will help to guide decision-making led by intelligence whether you’re just starting your automation journey, looking to scale from initial successes, or want to optimize a mature implementation. 

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Description: Uncover processes and associated performance metrics to rapidly identify a baseline definition of your operation.

How it works:

Are used to identify the gaps that can’t be auto-generated, to complete the picture.

Value: A complete map of business processes provides a baseline for design decisions, which are essential for the following analysis phase. You can’t automate without it.


Analyze & Design

Description: Identify all relevant automation opportunities and model the benefits.

How it works:

  • Visualize the process in models to highlight any remaining manual processes and process breaks.
  • Run a simulation of the process with representative data on work arrival patterns to create a data-driven view of processes with poor performance that would benefit from automation.
  • Run a gap analysis on the current state against a library of automations.
  • All these activities enable identification of automation opportunities.
  • Create a “transformed” view of the current (replace manual steps with automated ones in your process maps)
  • Run the simulation engine to model the benefits.
  • Optimize the scope of the project and sequence of automation sprints.

Value: The design process and automation benefits are documented so the right processes are automated in the right sequence. And the connected impacts of automation on factors like operational resilience are understood.

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Description: Finalize the end state, plan the implementation, feed your program management tools.

How it works:

  • Commit the chosen automations into the process maps, alongside enterprise and organizational architecture (creating a definition of the future state).
  • Use collaboration tools to get buy-in and communicate planned changes.
  • Use the work instructions capability to document the new procedure manual.
  • Integrating with your GRC platform keeps operational controls remain robust.
  • Integrating with PMP ensures automation sprints are managed properly.

Value: Speeds up delivery by automating the production of design documentation, which is needed by automation implementation teams. Integration with GRC and PMP reduces operational delays—because controls are updated and agreed prior to implementation, and any impact on operational resilience is documented.

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Description: Continuous monitoring and re-discovery to support continuous improvement and ensure the automated operation is running as expected.

How it works:

  • Re-run the above stages (re-mine to get actual operational performance compared to what was intended)
  • Tap into new best practices as they emerge, etc.

Value: Ensures the technology continues to deliver value. It enables you to find new things to automate, and swap current tech with new offerings, to avoid lock-in.

Why Choose BusinessOptix for

Intelligent Automation?

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Simple yet powerful tools for maximum impact.

Informed Decisions
Real-time data and team input for holistic insights

Always Relevant
Solutions that evolve with your business.

Centralized Documentation
Keep all your process documents in one accessible place.

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