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Modern Slavery Policy

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is a critical area of UK legislation targeting the prevention and prosecution of all forms of modern slavery, including human trafficking and forced or compulsory labour.  

Under section 54 of the Act, BusinessOptix Limited, BusinessOptix Inc and BusinessOptix Group Inc, has prepared this statement, publishing the steps continually taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains. 

Our Policies

Modern slavery and human trafficking are serious crimes and human rights violations. BusinessOptix strongly condemns them in all forms. We take our role in protecting and upholding human rights seriously and understand the importance of respecting individuals’ rights to allow our business to succeed and promote healthy well-being. 

BusinessOptix Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics Policy encourages employees to report matters involving potential legal issues such as contravention of human rights and other misconducts connected with our business. Mandatory staff onboarding training is delivered to ensure awareness of these issues, as referenced in our company policies and procedures.  

We are committed to acting ethically in all our business dealings and relationships, implementing an effective zero-tolerance approach to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our own business. We expect our professional relationships to hold the same high standards. 

Risk Assessment and Management

We conduct regular risk assessments to identify and evaluate the risks of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. High-risk areas are prioritized, and we implement specific measures to mitigate these risks, including enhanced due diligence and targeted interventions. 

Due Diligence Process

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risks, we carry out appropriate due diligence when engaging and working with suppliers, ensuring that the work undertaken is proportionate to the services provided and the risk involved. This includes: 

  • Engaging with suppliers through detailed processes. 
  • Conducting regular audits and ensuring compliance with our anti-slavery policy. 
  • Addressing any identified instances of modern slavery promptly and supporting affected individuals. 

Supply Chain Risk

We ensure that our employees, contractors, and our supply chains respect international human rights principles through our policy. Any breaches of the Policy may result in disciplinary action, including potential dismissal of employees and termination of relationships with other parties. 

BusinessOptix is not aware of any instance in which a modern slavery concern has been raised by an employee or third party in either its business or its supply chains. To date, we have not identified any instances of modern slavery in either our business or our supply chains. 

Our Steps

BusinessOptix remains committed to taking steps to prevent modern slavery arising in any part of its business or supply chains. BusinessOptix ensures ongoing compliance with this statement by:

  • Continued review with its existing procurement arrangements with relevant members of staff, with a view to identifying any elements of those arrangements which give rise to risk of modern slavery.
  • Deliver staff onboarding training on risks of modern slavery, which forms part of the mandatory training on Corporate Ethics for all BusinessOptix staff and can be identified in the staff handbook.
  • Continue to require such suppliers and contractors to act within their contractual obligations to comply with all applicable laws in force, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015, to take steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of its business and to confirm the absence of historic offences, investigations, enquiries or other enforcement proceedings in connection with slavery or human trafficking.

Monitoring and Reporting

We monitor our efforts and provide mechanisms for reporting concerns. Employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders can report any issues related to modern slavery as outlined in our Whistleblowing policy.  

Review and Update of the Policy

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Updates will be made as necessary to adapt to new challenges and best practices in combating modern slavery. 

Further Steps

BusinessOptix remains committed to taking steps to prevent modern slavery in any part of its business or supply chains. We will continue to: 

  • Assess our business and supply chains for risks of slavery and human trafficking. 
  • Review and, where appropriate, further improve our strategy and procurement processes. 
  • Raise awareness of any important information as part of training to relevant parts of our business. 
  • Ensure that suppliers and contractors comply with all applicable laws, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and take steps to confirm the absence of historic offences, investigations, inquiries, or other enforcement proceedings related to slavery or human trafficking. 

By publicly sharing this policy statement on our website, BusinessOptix affirms our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms. We believe in fostering an ethical and transparent business environment that respects and upholds the rights and dignity of all individuals. 

Last Updated: 18th July 2024