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Does Your Business Have Digital in Its DNA?


It is one thing to say you are digital and another thing to actually be digital. Digital can’t just be a project, or an initiative, it has to be in your DNA. Leading BPO providers are embracing digital to gain a competitive advantage in a highly competitive market.

Today, clients are demanding more strategic relationships focused on outcomes beyond just cost. In response to these changing trends, a number of world-class BPO providers have turned to BusinessOptix to unleash their intellectual property, gain a deeper understanding of processes and uncover insights to improve operational outcomes. Powerful, fact-based process models and frameworks allow them to reduce and manage risk, increase scale, control costs and enter into more transformative relationships with their clients.

By leveraging the BusinessOptix end-to-end business transformation platform, our clients can:

  • Digitize the capture of the current reality, solutioning the target model, and plotting out the roadmap.
  • Automate the creation of process maps and associated work instructions.
  • Store their domain knowledge (whether that’s horizontal like P2P or industry specific like claims processing) in a digital library of best practice that is used for automated gap analysis against the current reality.
  • Industrialize innovation opportunity management to catch ideas from the automated solutioning capabilities and the more traditional means of ideation. This allows the resulting improvements to be triaged using the business cases derived through simulation before being prioritized for implementation.
  • Simulate change to assess the impact of different scenarios in a safe digital environment prior to deployment. Such capabilities can also be used to understand how the potential continuity solutions (critical to any BPO service) will perform in response to different disruption scenarios – invaluable as the ultimate end user expects operational resilience irrespective of the world becoming a more volatile place.
  • Integrate out of the box with GRC tools to identify requirements and then create, implement and maintain controls at the right points in the operational processes.
  • Demonstrate partnership by encouraging their customers to use the capabilities described above to improve the retained organization. Rarely is all the operation outsourced, so how they help achieve end-to-end improvements, irrespective of scope boundaries becomes critical to the success of the relationship.

By embracing digital, our BPO clients are building stronger, more connected, innovative relationships with their customers. 

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