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How to use process insights to turn complaints into opportunities


No one wants more complaints. Complaints are a sign that something has gone wrong and that improvements are needed. Complaints can cost your company significant amounts of money, including staff time to investigate and resolve the issue, legal and regulatory costs, reputational costs, financial compensation to the affected customer, and the cost of making changes to prevent the same complaint from recurring.

One of the most common cause of complaints reported in financial service organizations and others, is due to administration and customer service. This suggests that poorly designed processes and difficulty in accessing knowledge of how to transact the process are the root cause of the issue.

Process insights can help reduce the main cause of complaints by:

  • quickly pinpointing areas of opportunity
  • identifying where current practices have deviated from the originally intended process
  • showing where work instructions and self-help features can be deployed
  • exploring the intended consequences of making changes
  • seeking consensus through proper collaboration
  • providing visibility into the day-to-day processes

Consider the following scenario. Your customer has a complaint about a credit card charge that they do not recognize. Your customer contacts your company’s customer service department, and the customer service representative spends significant time investigating the issue, tracking the complaint, and responding to the customer or passing them onto a colleague. After this lengthy investigation, your customer is dissatisfied with the representative’s response and decides to escalate the issue to a manager.

With process insights, you can quickly identify the root cause of the issue. Perhaps the process for reviewing and verifying credit card charges is overly complex, leading to errors and disputes. By analyzing the process, you can identify areas of friction and undue complexity, as well as opportunities to streamline and simplify the process.

You can also identify where current practices have deviated from the originally intended process. For example, perhaps the customer service representative was not trained on the correct procedures for resolving credit card disputes. By providing end-to-end process transparency with easily accessible procedure documents, better training and system self-help features, you can reduce the chances of your staff not knowing how to engage in a particular transaction.

You can then explore the impact, cost and benefit of the possible changes you could make to prevent the same complaint from recurring. By simulating changes to the process and exploring the impacts on the upstream and downstream processes, you can ensure that the changes do not introduce unintended consequences and do not compromise your operating model, controls, or enterprise architecture.

Through proper collaboration and visibility of the impacts on the future state, you can seek consensus prior to committing the change to real life. By using process insights to improve the credit card dispute resolution process, you can reduce the number of complaints related to credit card charges and improve customer service.

Process insights are essential for reducing complaints, improving customer service, and saving costs. No one wants more complaints, but with process insights, your company can use complaints as a trigger to get better and designate improvement actions.

BusinessOptix provides companies like yours, with the process insights they need to reduce customer complaints and improve customer service.


Process Discovery: BusinessOptix brings to life a comprehensive view of an operation and customer journey as businesses discover their processes using process mining and importing, crowd-sourcing and collaborative modeling, operational and capability mapping. Having this cohesive visual on the operation enables the identification of processes that are poorly designed, that cause bottlenecks or introduce delays. The result; the business can make targeted improvements to improve customer service can reduce customer complaints.

Process Modeling: BusinessOptix is used to create data-driven, end-to-end process models that enable businesses to see how their processes actually work. These models help identify areas of friction, undue complexity, and points of failure, which can be addressed to reduce customer complaints.

Process Analysis: BusinessOptix data-driven models and dashboards help businesses analyze their processes to identify bottlenecks, waste, and inefficiencies. This ability to interrogate the processes can help businesses streamline their processes, reduce the time it takes to complete tasks, and eliminate errors, all of which can improve customer service.

Collaboration: BusinessOptix has inbuilt features that facilitate collaboration and governance across teams and departments. This ability to work collaboratively within the platform to share insights and ideas, and to identify and model process improvements together on processes, enables businesses to make changes that are more likely to be successful and that reduce customer complaints.

Continuous Improvement: BusinessOptix delivers a sustainable solution that reduces the effort involved in the constant cycle of process change. Change in any organization is constant, whether driven by the business or external factors. The end-to-end visual on the business and underlying processes that is created in the BusinessOptix platform will help businesses implement a culture of continuous improvement. By continuously monitoring and analyzing their processes, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make changes that improve service and reduce customer complaints over time.

So, while no one wants more customer complaints, they can be a valuable source of feedback for businesses. By using process insights, you can quickly identify the root causes of complaints and make improvements to reduce their occurrence. With BusinessOptix's process discovery, modeling, analysis, collaboration, and continuous improvement capabilities, you can govern and streamline your processes, improve customer service, and ultimately save costs. By leveraging process insights, businesses can turn complaints into opportunities for growth and improvement.

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