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Mine the gap:  Accelerate Business Process Transformation with Procedure Mining


Process transformation initiatives consistently face the same challenge. On the one side, there is a constant need to deliver results, fast. On the other, a need to get an accurate and detailed understanding of how things work today so that the changes made deliver the value that is expected.

The challenge: How do you get an accurate and detailed understanding of the as-is as quickly as possible?

The power of the procedure

For many of our customers, the most accurate reflection of how their processes actually work is stored within their procedure documents. 

That’s because procedure documents are the things that those on the ground rely on to get their job done. They are the first port of call for new joiners. It’s where the workarounds that allow the process to work across different systems live. 

And it’s buried in all these detailed steps that real automation and business process improvement opportunities hide.

The pain of the procedure

The strength of procedure documents for those on the ground - their flexibility of structure, their ease of updating and storing and their often quicker sign off routes - is also their weakness for process transformation teams.

Documents tend to be aimed at one person or team’s role within a process - not the end to end. Their formats often change team to team and process to process. The level of detail varies. The different tools and systems used are buried in descriptions.

They might be rich in content, but the inaccessibility of this content means that they’re often overlooked by transformation teams challenged by the need to move fast.

What is procedure data mining?

At BusinessOptix we have always been focused on rapid process discovery - how do we help our customers get that accurate and detailed understanding of their current processes, fast.

Procedure mining is another tool in our suite of business process intelligence tools for rapid process discovery.

Here is how it works:

  1. Upload your written procedure documents in their various formats and structures
  2. Our business process trained AI extracts the process steps and relevant master data (systems used, individuals responsible for each step, work instructions, etc.)
  3. And turns them into process maps to be easily knitted together to build your end to end understanding of how things actually work today

In the space of a few minutes our customers can go from pdfs to the processes they need to get on with the work of identifying and delivering highly valuable process improvements.

Speed doesn’t have to be at the cost of accuracy

At BusinessOptix we don’t think that you need to sacrifice accuracy for speed. With procedure mining, crowd-sourced process discovery, process mining, advanced importing, and rapid process modeling, our suite of business process intelligence tools provide a solution for understanding your current state fast, wherever the information is buried.

Are you curious about how Procedure Mining and our other rapid process discovery tools can help you realize value from your process transformation initiatives faster? We invite you to book a demo with us to see firsthand how BusinessOptix can drive meaningful process improvement across your organization.