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Welcome to the January 2023 edition of the BusinessOptix newsletter.

BusinessOptix starts 2023 with a bang!

We are excited to announce that BusinessOptix has been named a core Vendor in Gartner's latest Market Guide for Technologies Supporting a Digital Twin of an Organization. 

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New Year resolutions are not just for individuals, organizations make them too! At this time of year many organizations exhausted from year end turn their attention to current year commitments – whether that’s for improving efficiency, increasing productivity, saving money or reducing their environmental impact. Knowing how these goals can be achieved, without undue risk is key to delivering tangible, trackable and lasting results. Getting a visual on your organization can help.

Learn more about how BusinessOptix can support your organization's growth, change and success in the coming year.

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Product Updates


Are you using custom landing pages? It is now possible to create multiple landing pages, giving a bespoke view for different teams. Check out the Dashboard overview in the BusinessOptix Academy and discuss your requirements with BusinessOptix Support team.

Work instructions

How do your teams want to view work instructions or SOPs? Did you know there are 3 different ways in our platform? The Embedded Text option is very popular due to the ease of input directly on the process model coupled with the ability to generate a specific SOP output. Check out the Work Instruction course in the BusinessOptix Academy and ask the support team to add the extension to your library.

Academy Updates

When was the last time you logged into the Academy courses? It is possible that you may have missed our operational resilience course if it has been a while. 

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BusinessOptix sends this newsletter to you so we can provide you with timely updates on the latest releases, academy updates and additional information you might find useful on your digital transformation journey.  If you have any suggestions for information you would like to see in our newsletter, we welcome your input. Please email marketing@businessoptix.com with your newsletter content suggestions.

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For support, please continue to use: helpme@businessoptix.com

For all other inquiries: operations@businessoptix.com